
Tree Leaves





OCTOBER 25, 2024

We started out on the usual walk to the dumpsters with the daily trash. But when we got to the dumpsters we noticed that all the construction equipment on down that direction was gone and the trail open. So once the trash was inside the dumpster we turned west instead of south to see what had been going on. Apparently this is major tree clean out year. All over the Point Mallard park area the trees and underbrush are getting thinned out and taken away. It is looking good for next summer with more breeze going through the woods on each side of the trails.

So we walked on the road around the golf course to check things out. We like what we saw. They took out a lot of trees that were leaning badly or were too crowded to grow well.

It also opened the woods enough for us to get a couple of pictures of trees with bright colored trees. There are not a lot of them but the zoom on the camera can reach a good ways.

Here is a couple of them. The first one is a scrubby stunted tree next to the maintenance road. It was a nice red.

Then back over yonder a ways was this large tree with some color showing way up there where the sky made a nice background for the leaves. This area of the country is not conducive of lots of leaf color but we appreciate what we do get.

After we got to our turnback point we got some nice views of some more work they are doing on the golf course. We will grab pics of those improvements after the equipment finishes the job.

Some good news is we walked a total of 2.75 miles with the water jug on the separate belt and the OFM had no hip pains. So it seems that trying to carry the water bottle in the leg pocket of our pants was a bad idea. Oh well the OFM likes to keep on experimenting on things. He thinks it helps keep his mind sharper.

This afternoon we noticed that our solar panels were not charging as well as they should be so it was time to climb a ladder and check them out before we need them boondocking out west in a couple of weeks.

So our ladder was set next to the Castle so we could balance against it while on the ladder. Sure enough the panels had a layer of leaves over the charging panel. When we swept that away a light layer of dirt was removed from the panel also. The panels seldom need cleaning when we move frequently. The wind from going down the highway blows nearly all the junk off on the occasional rain washes them clean most of the time. But sitting here for a year and a half let them accumulate tooooo much debris from all the trees over us. They are under testing to make sure we have it under control.

So we are still doing things to make sure we get to roll next month. Have a great night folks. Good Night.

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