
A Smoker Grill In The Dumpster





OCTOBER 26, 2024

We started out on the usual walk to the dumpsters with the daily trash. But when we got to the dumpsters we noticed that there was a lot of household trash in them. In the dumpster we used was a 6 foot long smoker grill. Here is a picture of it in the dumpster.

There was also several drawer sets, a couple of bikes and some house furniture. Some body was lightening their load it seems from all the stuff in there. The dumpster next to it was also topped out with household things sticking out from the top of the dumpster. That smoker was the largest thing we have seen in a campground dumpster ever.

When we finished the pleasant walk we decided to do a caulk check of the Castle. Sure enough there was three short spots of cracked caulk that needed repair. So each one was scraped relatively clean and refilled and finished off. The Castle is a 2005 model so caulk checking is a very important part of the maintenance effort. Otherwise the Castle could just fall apart going down the road.

Since we were already in work mode we blew the leaves off the rv pad so we will not track them into the Castle as easily. That is a frequently needed bit of work.

The sky this evening was incredible. The blues of the sky as the evening was waning were special to see. We did manage to get a good picture of the sky over the soccer field.

That is it for tonight. Have some fun and sleep well. Good night.


  1. Not only did that person lighten their load but their wallets as well.
    Looks like you are into some nice weather.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
