
Exciting And Fun Day





OCTOBER 23, 2024

At first feeling of the morning air the OFM thought it was cool enough to put on a long sleeve tee shirt to keep us comfortable. And he was correct for about ten minutes. Then when we turned at the dumpsters to head toward the hike and bike trail the OFM made a point os seeking the shady parts of the path.

We have no idea what caused it but shortly after the picture above was taken, the OFM started having an ugly feeling and we cut the walk down for this morning. When we got back the OFM was doing fine but it was a nervous 20-25 minutes there. At least we got in a mile and a half. The OFM did a bit of bed rest and soon was doing well the rest of the day.

We decided that the little event on the walk was enough to take it easy for a while more so we took on the laundry that needed to be done. We have a very nice coin laundry up next to the office and it is a short walk from the Castle. So we grabbed the laundry stuff and went up to get busy. Here was the scene when we opened the door.

We had our choice of any machine and we got busy. The timing was great. Nobody else came in for almost twenty minutes. That gave us a nice head start on the machines.

The neatest thing is there is a good sized bunch of new or fairly new Rving folks camped here for the week. And the next few folks that came in the laundry were all excited about their new great thing RV CAMPING. In a couple of minutes it was found out that the OFM has been RV camping since 1972. Oh boy the conversations went wild then. It was a very nice way to spend your waiting time in a public laundry room.

Then when we brought our laundry bag home and started putting it all away we found out we had two bath towels we do not recall having before today. A pretty blue one and a bright white one. All our bath towels are bright orange we thought.

As if that was not good enough, when finding room for the new bath towels we stumbled across two unopened bags of 6 tee shirts each stuck in a back corner of the hanging closet in the bathroom. Now we have enough tee shirts to live about a hundred years without buying any more.

As supper preparation time closed in on us the OFM started perusing the contents of our food lockers so to speak. And we found makings for some new stoup. The Knorr Mexican rice package fell into our hands. Then our eyes noticed the can of pinto beans in the back corner next to an older can of whole kernel corn. Well well and then the OFM remembered the new BBQ sauce we bought a few days ago to try out. OK Fat boy get busy and he did. Some chopped fresh white onions were added to the mix and in 45 minutes we were eating a great supper AND ended up with five meals of good food left that went into the freezer for future good meals.

WOW O WOW This certainly turned out to be a great day after the interesting start.

Tomorrow we are going to attempt to take the trying to have too much fun up another notch or three. Good Night.

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