
Night Vision Trouble






Last night coming home from the store late the OFM had a lot of trouble seeing to drive in the parts of the neighborhoods that do not have street lighting. It seemed like the OFM could not see well enough to safely drive after dark. At his age we know night blindness is a real possibility. It had been a few weeks since we last drove in the real darkness so we were really worried about what is happening? Today we were reading on the internet all about night blindness and not liking what we were finding out. Like it can come on fairly quickly for some folks. So most of the day we have been thinking about how to adapt to the situation.

Suddenly the OFM remembered he has been meaning to polish the headlight covers on Sierra since they were getting a bit yellow and crusty looking. The kit we bought to do the job was found in the drawers and we read the instructions and got busy with those no longer clear headlight covers.

The instructions were clear and well written so we got busy mid-afternoon and cleaned up the covers pretty well but the covers did not clean up 100% like we hoped. We had done the covers on the previous truck and they cleaned up better than new it seemed. So we did as good of a job as we could get done and they looked a lot better.

So after dark tonight we took Sierra out for a “find out run“ to see what is what. The result is that they cleaned up enough to let us get by for a while but within a year or so we may have to get new covers installed. The current ones are 10 years old. They also have a couple of rock cracks each.

So the lesson is that the modern clear headlight covers do not last as long as the vehicle.

Today the walk was short and hot thanks to the 85+ weather. It was a sweaty event with the humidity being very high.

So now we plan on a great nights rest and a much less worrisome day tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Even as a passenger, Kathy wears the Nighttime Driving Glasses. That's the only way she can see, even in the Rain. Think we'll need our Headlights cleaned up, so we can keep having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
