
Too Hot Out West






The whole day was very productive and lots of fun mingled in with the chores completed.

The morning walk was great weather wise and the 1.4 miles going out was at a brisk pace. Then at the turnaround we went to a good pace but stopped to take pictures as they became available. So the final result was several nice photos for the blog, a sweaty OFM and 2,8 miles in a hint over an hour. The first picture into the camera this morning was these ripple reflections swarming toward us from the opposite bank of Flint Creek.


More will be in tomorrow nights blog effort. It is a really great time of the year here in the woods.

The Castle brakes were put through the testing today to make certain they were electrically good. It has been a long time since the brake work was done and the OFM wanted to be certain they would work. So they were plugged in with Sierra and gently tested. The result is that the last test of the Castle was passed with flying colors..red brake lights. Yahoo.

We have hit a bit of a stall due to high temps still in the area we want to roll to first. It is four days of towing from here in Decatur for the teams to get into the area of roaming and BOONDOCKING but the weather is still predicted for the mid to high 90s for the area. We do not want to play outside in 90+ weather so we are having another good look at things for where to roll. Remember we want to be back in Decatur November 1 to 17 for grand kid events coming up. After that we are free until late May.

And now for a really fun even this evening. We had nothing going on and the weather was great this evening. The OFM decided to do some art effort sitting outside by the picnic table enjoying the nice weather and trying to create art from scratch as if he were a real artist. A pad. Colored pencils. Folding chair. A pencil sharpener. And a good attitude all got together to have nearly two hours of wonderful fun scribbling color all over some paper. It was a really wonderful evening of relaxing effort. Here is what resulted.


It is not great art but it was incredibly great fun. The OFM team will sleep well tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you did that. Free wheeling....going at it from scratch.
