
Halloween Band





OCTOBER 24, 2024

The truck part came in today and we are due to be at the shop first thing Monday for a one day installation that will hopefully get Sierra back into first class shape to roll west. If Sierra really is fixed this time we will be really happy.

During the nice walk this morning we tried to capture fall colors in the area but they are so faint that they all came out extremely dull looking. So we have only this picture of the band practicing for the Halloween festivities.

 They are pretty good for a bunch of old folks. They were busy so we just kept on walking. This mornings ache was an old man nerve pain in his left hip side. Our left hip has been hurting for about two weeks. This morning when the OFM pulled his water bottle out of his left hip pocket, took a small swallow and then continued walking we got surprised when in about a hundred feet the hip pain suddenly quit. Water bottle back in pocket and pain immediately came back. OK, back to using a belt and a belt mounted bottle carrier like we did for years. May be that minor switch a couple of weeks ago caused the hip pain. We shall see in the next couple of days.

Notice the header picture of the slough near the start of the walking trails. Looks like a nice place in the spring and summer. Well here is what it looks like in the fall and winter.

Sure is a lot prettier in the spring summer isn't it.

Hope every one has a great day tomorrow. Good Night.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how old habits come back to haunt us.
    I was hoping you weren't developing what I went through.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
