
Lesson Learned

Adventure Location: Decatur, Alabama
Adventure Date: May 01, 2018
Click the picture to enlarge it.

The picture showing the near flooding happening here in the campground showed water just about on the roadway. This morning as the OFM Walking Team went past that same spot we noticed the water was down over a foot. Check this picture out. The blue line is the high water mark.

It was a nice cool morning for a walk. We managed about 2.5 total miles. One thing that helped was the nice trail that had mostly dried out overnight. The flowers were starting to get really serious about the spring blossom special time. We thought this was an especially nice section of sunlight and trail.

The OFM was having some trouble with the shoes he chose to wear today. They were purchased many years ago for some heavy duty mountain country hiking. They never seemed to get broke in. Good hiking shoes will not need to be broken in, they will be good from the first time you wear them. By the time we were past halfway the boots were hurting the OFM’s right foot. 

The OFM has feet that are quite different from each other. We are not talking just left and right either. So he tried several lacing differences and finally decided it was time for some “custom fitting”. It is not unusual for him to have to do some “custom fitting” with his knife, but he normally remembers to take his feet out of the boot first. Lesson Learned.

Any way the pressure/rub/obnoxious trouble spots were removed from the right boot.

After that the walking was much better. It still was not right but at least we could make it back to the Castle with a lot less pain. Having comfortable footwear is important for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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