



More very nice weather today. The OFM got in lots of walking today between the Memorial Park Trail and meandering out at the Beach Park a couple of times. Overall it was a great walking day. We quit tracking the miles after we hit three miles. 

At one time we were walking along the Allegro Channel and a very nice young man pulled this catfish in from the channel. Remember this is saltwater around here. He let us photograph it. The OFM had not caught anything yet and never did today.

We watched the fellow carefully put the catfish in the ice chest in his car trunk. It was about a foot long.

A little later we were walking on the wooden pier in the Beach Park and the OFM happened to look next to the pier down into the water and there was a good sized ray of some type. In this area it is usually a sting ray but we could not get a firm ID.  But it looked to be about 18 inches wing tip to wing tip which is on the normal full grown size for this area.

Look carefully and you can see the tail at the bottom left of the body. 

More walking in the late evening led to a nice supper of chicken tacos with rice, beans, salad and sweet tea with no ice. Boy that did hit the spot. Thanks for reading our blog.

1 comment:

  1. Seeing both those critters in one day, certainly added up to having tooooo much fun.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
