
Caught One


FEBRUARY 5, 2025

The fog this morning was very thick and really got in the way of driving safely. But we made it safely thanks to our careful driver. We went over to the Beach Park so we could walk safely and it was the correct choice because visibility was very minimal. Check out this rest area background.

We stood on the edge of the beach and could not see the birds in the water about thirty feet away. WOW.

But we got in a  nice two mile walk around inside the Park so we could stay off the places vehicles might get to us close to the roadways. It worked out really well.

Getting towards lunch time the fog suddenly thinned a lot and some sun came to the party. It was very welcome. So the OFM headed over to the harbor area to try our luck catching fish.  

SURPRISE we actually caught a speckled trout that measured bare legal. However it was so skinny we quickly got it back into the water to get some meat on its body.  During the twenty minute fishing  effort we got several more light strikes from small trout. So in about a month there should be some decent fishing around here,

The sun finally came out and the day turned beautiful for playing at the beach.  The OFM headed over to Goose Island SP to visit his new friend David and tell more wild tales of RVing. The after lunch part of the day was very nice and warm. Have fun friends.


  1. In Maine it was nine below last night, two below this morning. A snowstorm is coming in this afternoon, another one is projected for Sunday, and another next week - midweek.
    Have a good one
    the Ol'Buzzard

    1. shorts and tee shirts here but the mosquitos are enjoying all the fresh blood.

  2. Sounds better than the Freezing Rain we had today. Looks like our weekend storm will be heading to Maine.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
