


FEBRUARY 2/12/25

WOW it has been a day of not much happening. During the OFM's first walk he met some folks from Denver Colorado and gave them a lot of requested information about the campgrounds in the area and other nice things to see and do. They were a very receptive couple to suggestions about this area. We hope they enjoy the next couple of weeks down here on the coast.

Most of the rest of the day was spent either trying to catch a fish or getting in more walking to help the OFM body to get in better shape. We had better luck on the body work than on the fishing.

Even picture taking was a bust since the OFM could not remember to put the memory card into the camera even though he went to do that four times during the day. What a fool he is getting to be.  Have fun and good night.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you were having tooooo much fun, then to let the little things bother you.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
