
In Spite Of Himself


FEBRUARY 7, 2025

The day started well and went well especially since there were no special plans. Here are a few things the OFM noted during the day.

The porpoise critters are back in the bay complex again and giving the visitors lots of WOW check that out exclamations. But they are way too quick for an OFM to get a picture of them. But they sure do entertain the tourists from places away from the coast.

The weather was nice enough that the OFM put in a few hours fishing with just on small nibble on a lure is all.  We also did not see any other fish caught any place in the area. However this made it great walking weather. We got in a lot of walking over the course of the day and it was really enjoyable each time. We are guessing well over three miles total. It was a very nice cool day.

As night started to arrive we made a run down to the Beach Park and tried to set up for some good sunset pictures. We got one to keep.

Supper tonight was an excellent bowl of chicken noodle stoup and root beer. It had been thawed in the refrigerator for a couple of days. We were surprised to see celery pieces and several small chunks of vegetables in the stoup. The OFM  must have been cleaning out the fridge. Anyway it was excellent eating. Sometimes he does good in spite of himself. 

Have a great night.


  1. That's a great sunset photo you took. I could feel the warm air looking at that photo.

  2. Nice getting out for warm weather walks. Nice Sunset picture.
    Cleaning the fridge is a great way for creating some tasty meals.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
