



More very nice weather today. The OFM got in lots of walking today between the Memorial Park Trail and meandering out at the Beach Park a couple of times. Overall it was a great walking day. We quit tracking the miles after we hit three miles. 

At one time we were walking along the Allegro Channel and a very nice young man pulled this catfish in from the channel. Remember this is saltwater around here. He let us photograph it. The OFM had not caught anything yet and never did today.

We watched the fellow carefully put the catfish in the ice chest in his car trunk. It was about a foot long.

A little later we were walking on the wooden pier in the Beach Park and the OFM happened to look next to the pier down into the water and there was a good sized ray of some type. In this area it is usually a sting ray but we could not get a firm ID.  But it looked to be about 18 inches wing tip to wing tip which is on the normal full grown size for this area.

Look carefully and you can see the tail at the bottom left of the body. 

More walking in the late evening led to a nice supper of chicken tacos with rice, beans, salad and sweet tea with no ice. Boy that did hit the spot. Thanks for reading our blog.


Clouds All Over Us



Another beautiful day down here.  We had some great cloud formations and here is one set of them.

A lot of good walking was done during the day but we do not count steps because we count miles. We had over 1.8 miles of great beauty we got to see.

Later we hit up one of the piers in the area and managed to catch an under sized speckled trout. 

At least we know small trout are in the area now. That was the summation of the nice day.


Light Winds



The day was wonderful again and when we got to the Beach park the wind was dead calm.

When we got to our parking spot the breeze was still not in existence. We went into the shaded underside to grab this picture of the salt water pool and the Allegro housing. Everything was really calm.

From here we started our walk by heading for the wooden pier to check the tide level. It turned out to be very low. The slight ripples in the water worked with this rock to send concentric circles going all over the place.

And that was the big excitement for the day.

Walking was something of a mess since the OFM foot joints were complaining all day. We are planning on  a much better day of fun tomorrow. Everyone be safe please.


Lot Of Photos



The day was very pretty weather and the OFM teams took a lot of pictures of the waterfront area but we did not generate a story to go with it. So tonight you get a pile of photos that we think you might enjoy.





We had great weather and lots of sunshine today. Check out this pre walk sunshine.

We got in a good bit of walks today. We say walks because things kept on happening that we stopped for to observe it all. So we managed to get in an unknown pile of walking because we stared and stopped or changed route or backtracked just to have extra fun.

One important thing we saw was when we walked a concrete bulkhead early in the morning and the extremely clear water was totally devoid of any small bait fish. No bait fish means no bigger fish in the area so we did not even wet a line today.

The only other important thing today was the start of replacing some worn out lighting we have. 18 years of clicking those plastic switches has caught up with the Castle. Here is one of the new ones we got put in.

It is over the dining table and is doing a wonderful job for the teams.

A lot of time today went into visiting friends in the area. Yep some good belly laughs did happen.

That pretty well sums up the day and our fun. Good Night.





It was a very full day of all sorts of events including sunshine just a bit before dark as a nice surprise. The earlier part of the day was cool and gray but very little precipitation falling on the Teams.

We started the morning with a lot of ambition to get in a full length walk down at the Beach  Park. The windshield sticker was flashed at the attendant and we were waved through as usual. Our preferred parking spot was even available and we grabbed it.  Sierra was happy since we had a little breeze but no precipitation for the walking.

The wind was light as we moved toward the walking route but as soon as we cleared the building the wind got extra strong. So we went back into the wind shade of the building and decided to do laps on the shielded stairs to the second level. We made one lap up and down before we gave that up due to the wet wind chill.

As we were going back to Sierra we passed the wheel chair ramp up to the second level. We have used that ramp in the past for weather control. So the OFM checked the ramp out for up and down walking and it was nice.

So we kicked it in gear and walked several repetitions of up and down in nice weather conditions.

Then we headed off to have fun the rest of the day. We do not recall all the thing we did but it was a lot of stuff just for the fun of it.

Skip ahead to late this afternoon when we headed for the Beach Park for who knows what and decided to walk into the park for a change. After getting parked at the nice parking lot just outside the auto entry to we started into park. As an aside the park is free to walk or ride a bike into but there is a fee for motor powered vehicles. 

Just a short distance inside the gate is a nice walking path we had forgotten about and we drive right by it nearly every day.

So we went on over to walk it for the first time in a very long time. We will remember it in the future. The surface is set up for wheeled items to be on the path like wheel chairs, walkers, baby carriage etc.  and about half way around the loop is a bit of a rest area with shaded benches and porta cans for your relief is needed. Bring your own water though. It runs along the waters edge of an inland slough that sometimes has good fishing along the shore line.

Get in mind this Beach Park is deliberately kept as natural as possible while also having it safe for humans to be here.

This is a picture of what was left of a large long necked bird that lost the battle with some other natural critter by the waters edge.

And that is the evidence of the natural event.

So we finished up our walking and the sun had finally ran the clouds off so the OFM teams hit the fishing area near by and finished a great day of roaming around not catching fish on a nicely warming up evening.  Good Night.


Good Stoup, Bad Weather and Peony



Tonight we tried some stoup with cubed chicken, Mexican rice, bell pepper, noodles and some spices for the main ingredients. It had been in the freezer for a few days just resting and blending. Tonight it got to show off all the flavors and put a big smile on the OFM face.

Weather was cold and damp which was perfect to getting the income tax done. The big news is we are getting a little bit back. The H&R Block here in Rockport got the job done quickly in spite of having to explain every little detail to the OFM very carefully. On top of that when we got home the IRS had sent the OFM an email that the return was approved and the check will be in the mail next week. The OFM is really glad to get that chore finished.

After all the excitement of getting the tax return filed calmed down the OFM went to work on a painting he has put aside a few weeks ago to have fun here in Rockport. Today he finished it and here it is tonight.

We hope you enjoy the painting as much as we did painting it. Now we get to chose another one to paint. Yahooooo.





We got to talk with a new neighbor and talk a bit about his plans for his rig. He has a good bit of effort in front of him but a lot of it mimics the Castle. He got a good look at the Castle so he has seen some of the changes in place and how much work it will be. He seems to be a pretty nice fellow. We wish him luck.

The weather today was miserably cold, damp and windy. Check out these flags tearing up in the 20-40 mph winds we were having. That American flag was brand new about two weeks ago if I recall correctly.

For some reason the water at the boat basin spot the OFM likes to fish was not getting badly wind blown.  It was getting to be the nice green that the fish like to feed in. Maybe we will soon be catching fish again. That will be nice.

However there was a water bird of some type already probing for food in the reasonably calm sections of the area. They can be neat to observe at times.

The OFM lost control of himself tonight and we went down to our favorite Tex-Mex place and had great chicken tacos for supper. YUMMITY YUM YUM.  We are hoping that the cold weather will abate and we can roll more westerly soon. Another blogger reminded us that spring ahead is soon to be here. Our trailer tires are doing a lot of itching. Good Night.





Trying a new type size tonight to make it easier reading we hope. The day was not exciting with below freezing temps and thick drizzly fog. On the Beach Park loop we noticed one person out on the wooden pier doodle socking for sheepshead fish. The cold fog was so thick the fisherman did not even show up in the photograph. We stayed in Sierra and kept on rolling. The whole town seemed deserted with only a couple of vehicles out on the road and one of them was a police car.

So we meandered over to Walmart to get in some walking inside. Walmart had brought all their spring flowers inside to stay out of the freezing temps of last night. Nope the Castle had no trouble with freezing pipes

or other parts.

Thank you to all the folks that responded to our request about assistance on deciding our future travels. We turned in to stay here another month as we consider all our options. Plus it will be warmer and it is fish catching season with the warmer water.


I Do Not Know



The OFM was talking to some other long time full timers today about where to go / what to do next. The OFM has been continuously on the road full time RVing since the first week of October 2007. The OFM did plan it carefully enough that the physically difficult hikes etc were done in his younger years. Now after 17 years of roaming and body decline at the age of 78.5 he is having difficulty  figuring out what he can safely do next that he might want to do. A couple of the folks were slightly older than the OFM and they each said they were having the same situation in their lives. The three or four others said they did not get started early enough to run out yet but they said they all could see the choices getting slimmer these days also. If the OFM remembers right the youngest person was 72. So  tonight we are asking for comments from other RVers for future adventures for older folks if they have any. Thank you for any suggestions you might be willing to share. Good Night.


Lots Of Of Lght Rain



The weather was sort of light off and on all day long. We tried to walk several times  but when we got a bit of distance from our starting point more gentle but persistent rain would hunt us down to attempt to soak us. It was s nuisance rain that went on now and then all day. Here is a picture from at the end of Market Street when we gave that a try.

Finally we gave up on and went home and made some stoup since we were out of it. It is chicken noodle and Mexican rice for the flavoring.

And that is about the whole day of adventuring we could whoop up for fun. Good Night.


Chilly Day



It was a nice day overall for a chilly windy day. We hit up the Beach Park for the morning walk but it was way too cold for the teams so we headed off to the Memorial Park and it proved to be just right since we could stay out of the cold breezes. Here is a sky picture with the path going through the trees to enjoy.

Another unique adventure was going to check out new travel trailers for the teams to use. The Castle is getting very worn and old so we need to be paying attention to our next ten years of road running equipment. What we found is that decent seeming trailers in our size could be bought for less than $20,000 drive out. They are not built nearly as well as our Arctic Fox was but the new Fox would be in the $50,000 range for the same size rig.

Then the rest of the day ended up being visiting with friends in the area. The chilly air finally sent us all off to our housing. And a Walmart sub sandwich was supper. Good Night Everyone.


Lots Of Busy Today



We had a nice start to the day and it was a pleasant day all day long for a change. An inventory of OTC drugs like nose allergy pills and Ibuprofen etc. showed us to be getting low so that was enough to send  us shopping at Walmart. By the time we finished the restock and a couple of bits of food we found our bill to to be over $57.  OUCH. Back home we got it all put away and found a shoe box full of not needed stuff in the back of a closet. It is now residing in the big blue garbage bin.

We took a little ride over to the beach park for a picture of the day. Bright sunshine and cool winds were the natural events for the day.

From there we went to visit friends Don and Patsy from Niles Michigan. We had a nice long visit covering many neat subjects. We are both thinking about the heading back north event in a few months.

For us we finished the day off with some pier fishing but no bites at all. 

fishing pic goes here

And that covers another hard working day in Texas in the winter. Good Night.


Departure Planning Started


FEBRUARY 15, 2025

After lots of different considerations we have chosen 2/22/2025 as our Rockport departure date. Out planned arrival location is Falcon Lake State Park Texas on that same day. We have a long history of enjoyable visits to that park and look forward to another one.

Overall it has been a ragged day with campground kids playing all around our home here including at their site. They are polite and mind well except they are just 3-4 -5 year old kids full of energy. The OFM has not seen any of them be bad on purpose, just oodles of energy and no where to use it up.

The day was a miserable cloudy drudgery of a day as evidenced in this afternoon picture. 

But when evening got going it really got going. We really liked the colors that happened.

And that is the end of the outside excitement for today. We hope everyone has a great tomorrow. We will be watching the current managers bring their service to an end on the end of this month. They have been very good.  New managers have not been chosen and introduced yet.

Good Night Everyone.


Important Mail Arrived


FEBRU ARY 14, 2025

We had a busy day today. Morning was straightening up the inside of the rig. It seems strange that 147 square feet of living area can get that badly out of sorts but it does. Then two of our LED ceiling lights have decided to misbehave and not come on fully. Tomorrow we hope to get that mess straightened out. Walking outside in the cold wet air was ruled out. A bit before lunch time the OFM decided to do the laundry for the team. The bed was stripped and along with all of our dirty clothing we put the laundry room machine to work.  That work went very well but reminded the OFM why he likes such a simplified life style.

After the laundry was all clean, folded and stowed away we piddled on the computer a bit. The refrigerator mentioned it was still needing a going through and a food inventory made for resupply shopping soon. So we tackled the chore and quickly got it completed. Lunch was at Whataburger and then it was back home. The mail had come while we were gone.  The data we were needing for doing income tax made it here today and that is a big YAHOOOOO. Now we can start the tax preparation effort and get it done so we can roll on down the road by the end of the month.

Hopefully we will get both lights repaired tomorrow to get more trouble over with.  Then we can concentrate on getting on down the road.

Everyone have a great evening.




FEBRUARY 13, 2025

We had a very uneventful day all day long trying to play in the 52F damp winds showing us around. We did manage to accomplish keeping our sanity. Most every where we moseyed was nearly deserted in the damp cold. Even the hard core walkers we know stayed inside the Walmart today to get in some walking distance. At least the OFM joined in the exercise in Walmart. It may have been good for him since his knees gave a bit of trouble all day long.

We stopped at a spot on the shore that was pretty well out of the wind but it just suckered the OFM cause in about ten minutes he was shaking so bad we had to get in Sierra and get him warmed up. Then he remembered that a nice section of the Tule Trail is well wind protected and maybe we could do some good there.

We got there just the same time as a local couple with their pup showed up and the pup and the OFM hit it off nicely. The group got in about a half mile each way in and back while protected pretty well by the trees.

The OFM spent the rest of the day trying to formulate a plan for our future until we roll to grandkid land at the start of their summer. Our next cold weather front is supposed to hit soon and be too cold for a more westerly loop for now. We are still hoping to get over to the Rio Grande River near Roma, Texas before we roll back east but this weather is acting so different than we are used to we do not now what to plan yet.

So everyone relax and have some extra fun to make up for the OFM and his laziness. We plan to work on it again tomorrow. Please wish us good luck.




FEBRUARY 2/12/25

WOW it has been a day of not much happening. During the OFM's first walk he met some folks from Denver Colorado and gave them a lot of requested information about the campgrounds in the area and other nice things to see and do. They were a very receptive couple to suggestions about this area. We hope they enjoy the next couple of weeks down here on the coast.

Most of the rest of the day was spent either trying to catch a fish or getting in more walking to help the OFM body to get in better shape. We had better luck on the body work than on the fishing.

Even picture taking was a bust since the OFM could not remember to put the memory card into the camera even though he went to do that four times during the day. What a fool he is getting to be.  Have fun and good night.


Little Trout


FEBRUARY 11, 2025

We hope this works out well but the OFM is not certain he understands all the changes Blogger is calling for. Please have patience while this old fisherman gets the knots out of the effort and learns the new system they are shoving down my throat with a rusty pitch fork

Onward to a bit of a blog effort. We hit up the Rockport boat basin this morning and had a minute of lucky success.

But that was all for today.

We chose to head back to Goose Island to check out some details on campers in use over there. All the campers look good in the sales yard but in use they are not quite that good.

We met a couple from lower eastern Michigan who were traveling in a regular van they had assembled and it was well done. They let the OFM check it out in detail. Then we got busy talking traveling and that got interesting. We talked for about two hours. The OFM gave them several more places to check out along the way back home. We hope they miss any bad weather on the trip back north.

By the time the OFM got back into Rockport he decided to go to the Beach park for a nice picture. We got a few pictures but nothing came out very well. So we chose to show this one anyway.

And then when the OFM started to write the blog Blogger seems to have taken control of everything so we will need to learn a new system we guess. Wish the teams luck with the learning,


Some back Improvement


FEBRUARY 10, 2025

Well we got out and did some walking sometimes with a bit of rain falling on us. But we did manage to get in about 2+ miles in some sessions of no or near no rain so it was a good effort. The cold and wind were pretty miserable so we hid inside when they were active. Then in the late afternoon we did a bit of grocery shopping at Walmart where we found out Valentines Day is near. That is a very important day to the OFM. It is the day he was drafted into the Army in 1969 to go learn how to be a professional killer for the USA.

Today his back behaved very well and only late in the evening did it start to ache some. Thank you ibuprofen. We appreciate your help.

Good Night.


Back Trouble


 FEBRUARY 9, 2025

Sorry folks but the OFM has a bad lower back muscle pulled and miserable. He is eating Ibuprofen like it was chocolate candy and moaning and groaning. None of the team members can recall any sort of injury from falls, slips or any other oops. So he is heading for rest time on his bed. Good Night.


Nothing Exciting or Bad Today


FEBRUARY 8, 2025

We got a good start this morning on the walking. Before the day was over we had taken nice walks at four local places good for walking. Yep the OFM got in a good bit of healthy exercise and plain old nice outdoor gentle fun.  Only one picture was taken and it turned out to be fuzzy due to OFM shakiness. No great special experiences or bad experiences happened. It was a plain old day of gentle joyousness that felt good all through the OFM body. So we leave you tonight with a big wish for you a wonderful tomorrow.  Good Night.


In Spite Of Himself


FEBRUARY 7, 2025

The day started well and went well especially since there were no special plans. Here are a few things the OFM noted during the day.

The porpoise critters are back in the bay complex again and giving the visitors lots of WOW check that out exclamations. But they are way too quick for an OFM to get a picture of them. But they sure do entertain the tourists from places away from the coast.

The weather was nice enough that the OFM put in a few hours fishing with just on small nibble on a lure is all.  We also did not see any other fish caught any place in the area. However this made it great walking weather. We got in a lot of walking over the course of the day and it was really enjoyable each time. We are guessing well over three miles total. It was a very nice cool day.

As night started to arrive we made a run down to the Beach Park and tried to set up for some good sunset pictures. We got one to keep.

Supper tonight was an excellent bowl of chicken noodle stoup and root beer. It had been thawed in the refrigerator for a couple of days. We were surprised to see celery pieces and several small chunks of vegetables in the stoup. The OFM  must have been cleaning out the fridge. Anyway it was excellent eating. Sometimes he does good in spite of himself. 

Have a great night.


Pretty Flowers and Planning


 FEBRUARY 6, 2025

Our first adventure of the day was walking the perimeter of the large roundish end of the peninsula we call The Beach Park. We drove into the park and down to the far end and got Sierra situated to wait for our return. Not necessarily in order here are several features of the round knot at the end of the mail road.  We got the walk started with a walk out and back on the wooden pier. The water was looking good but low and no baitfish seemed to be in the area.  Then back on down the big parking area to the boat channel jetty.

Out and back on the jetty on the nice dirt trail to the end with nothing exciting coming into view. 

Next was to cross the large parking lot to another large area bordering the saltwater pool on the east. We gathered a nice bit of trash in this aera and donated it to a garbage can. This line of walk headed on north along a channel to where the channel joins a bay where folks do a lot of water skiing and jet ski riding. When we turned west we found this nice batch of yellow flowers to enjoy.

When we hit the west edge of the area we turned south heading back to Sierra on the exiting road. A lot of folks spend time at the shade canopies in this area fishing from shore and enjoying themselves. When we got to Sierra we grabbed the fishing rod and hit up the wooden pier to not get a bite for the thirty minutes we spent there.

The rest of the day we spent visiting folks we know and talking about plans for the next couple of months. And suddenly it was time to head home for the night.  Good Night.


Caught One


FEBRUARY 5, 2025

The fog this morning was very thick and really got in the way of driving safely. But we made it safely thanks to our careful driver. We went over to the Beach Park so we could walk safely and it was the correct choice because visibility was very minimal. Check out this rest area background.

We stood on the edge of the beach and could not see the birds in the water about thirty feet away. WOW.

But we got in a  nice two mile walk around inside the Park so we could stay off the places vehicles might get to us close to the roadways. It worked out really well.

Getting towards lunch time the fog suddenly thinned a lot and some sun came to the party. It was very welcome. So the OFM headed over to the harbor area to try our luck catching fish.  

SURPRISE we actually caught a speckled trout that measured bare legal. However it was so skinny we quickly got it back into the water to get some meat on its body.  During the twenty minute fishing  effort we got several more light strikes from small trout. So in about a month there should be some decent fishing around here,

The sun finally came out and the day turned beautiful for playing at the beach.  The OFM headed over to Goose Island SP to visit his new friend David and tell more wild tales of RVing. The after lunch part of the day was very nice and warm. Have fun friends.




FEBRUARY 4, 2025

The day was busy and rewarding. The first nice event was we got in a great walk of about two miles at the Memorial Park. The weather when in the sun was very hot but the breezy shaded parts were very nice. So we chose as much shaded parts as we could find.

When we finished the walk a touch of rest in the shade and a few drinks from the water fountain sure did feel good.

We headed to the Beach Park to check water conditions for fishing but the water is still a bit cool for the fish to move inland yet so we messed around the park for a bit and this wild sky formation made its home around us for a good while.

Then we headed home for a rest moment to get over the heat from the sun.

After some nice cooling down and a snack we headed over to Goose Island SP just to mess around. We ended up meeting a very nice fellow, Dave we think. He had two wonderful dogs that we got to meet and play with a bit. Dave had lots of questions about full time rving that we tried to answer. We gave him a lead on several blogs that cover questions he needed answering.

And a TV dinner for supper put us into a sleepy mood for a long night of snoring. Good night everyone.




FEBRUARY 3, 2025

It was a slow day without excitement anywhere. Down at the Beach Park we got to meet a few folks from Canada who are roaming the USA for fun this year. They spoke pretty good English so we were able to communicate pretty well with the help of hand waving.  So far they have been having a great time meeting new folks in a new culture and enjoying it.

Other than that excitement for a couple of hours it was a very mild day. The OFM managed to get in brisk walking for a bit over two miles for the first time in several weeks. His joints seemed to be working fine again and that is really good news.

And the postal package service finally got both of our packages to the campground this afternoon. So we got all caught up on mail things today also. However no pictures were taken that came out well enough to enjoy through the fog fuzz. The OFM is trying to decide what is next for when our rent runs out in a bit over two weeks. The weather looks like it might be ok for rolling but we do not have any place pulling on us and it is pretty nice thoughts that happened about just staying here and being a beach bum in the sun for another month.  The OFM says he needs to sleep on it and we think that is a good idea. Sleep well friends.




FEBRUARY 2, 2025

Today was a day of did not happens. Basically everything did not work out such as an Amazon shipment  promised today did not show up and is now scheduled for next Thursday. But the OFM had a good lunch burger, did a lot of no catch fishing and got to spend an hour this evening trying to get a good sunset picture. Here is what we got for that effort.

And for supper he had a great bowl of homemade chicken noodle stoup and it was a major YUM YUM.

Everyone kick back and relax. Tomorrow is a fresh start for all the Teams.


Three Beaches For Playing


FEBRUARY, 1, 2025 

How about a brief tour of three different areas to give you more choices of what to play with. First we have the area with the best morning sunshine to enjoy. 

This is a main fish catching area with the wooden fishing pier on the right and the Allegro Jetty on the left and a big parking lot with restrooms etc behind us. It is a good fish catching area most of the time.

On around a paved circle from the spot above we come to a long sloped out into the ski basin beach with good fishing and cabanas with trash cans and picnic tables where you can set up for the day. Nearby are portable toilets for our pleasure. This is an especially good bird watching and photographing area.

And now we go on around the big circle and join the main road inside the Beach Park where the view from the road is the main playing area with restrooms, tables, cabanas and trails through the small dunes to the sand beach like most all other decent beaches. OFM forgot to get a beach pic. But take our word for it the beach is a mile long with shallow slopping beach bottom so very small kids to tall adults can find some depth of water to have great fun in.

The entrance fee for motor vehicles is $10 an entry or $40 for the year starting on January 1. We easily use up $40 of fun in the first week. This is not a place out in the middle of nowhere. It is about in the middle of the tourist services part of town with Walmart and several decent eateries close by.  It definitely is designed for all ages of folks to have something to make them glad they came by to visit. At least the OFM thinks it is like that.

Have fun outdoors folks.