It was a very full day of all sorts of events including sunshine just a bit before dark as a nice surprise. The earlier part of the day was cool and gray but very little precipitation falling on the Teams.
We started the morning with a lot of ambition to get in a full length walk down at the Beach Park. The windshield sticker was flashed at the attendant and we were waved through as usual. Our preferred parking spot was even available and we grabbed it. Sierra was happy since we had a little breeze but no precipitation for the walking.
The wind was light as we moved toward the walking route but as soon as we cleared the building the wind got extra strong. So we went back into the wind shade of the building and decided to do laps on the shielded stairs to the second level. We made one lap up and down before we gave that up due to the wet wind chill.As we were going back to Sierra we passed the wheel chair ramp up to the second level. We have used that ramp in the past for weather control. So the OFM checked the ramp out for up and down walking and it was nice.
So we kicked it in gear and walked several repetitions of up and down in nice weather conditions.Then we headed off to have fun the rest of the day. We do not recall all the thing we did but it was a lot of stuff just for the fun of it.
Skip ahead to late this afternoon when we headed for the Beach Park for who knows what and decided to walk into the park for a change. After getting parked at the nice parking lot just outside the auto entry to we started into park. As an aside the park is free to walk or ride a bike into but there is a fee for motor powered vehicles.
Just a short distance inside the gate is a nice walking path we had forgotten about and we drive right by it nearly every day.
So we went on over to walk it for the first time in a very long time. We will remember it in the future. The surface is set up for wheeled items to be on the path like wheel chairs, walkers, baby carriage etc. and about half way around the loop is a bit of a rest area with shaded benches and porta cans for your relief is needed. Bring your own water though. It runs along the waters edge of an inland slough that sometimes has good fishing along the shore line.Get in mind this Beach Park is deliberately kept as natural as possible while also having it safe for humans to be here.
This is a picture of what was left of a large long necked bird that lost the battle with some other natural critter by the waters edge.
And that is the evidence of the natural event.So we finished up our walking and the sun had finally ran the clouds off so the OFM teams hit the fishing area near by and finished a great day of roaming around not catching fish on a nicely warming up evening. Good Night.