Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


New Place To Visit


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: January 29, 2024

First thing this morning we hit the tax prep office and got our business all straightened out. So within a couple of weeks we might be cleared to roll if we stay lucky.

On arrival back home we went out for a walk trying out a new routing to see what mileage we get on it. It was a very bright sunny day but a hint cool. How is this for bright blue skies?

From here we went on choosing new routing to suit our whim. We made the turn onto the main trail and grabbed this sparkling lake picture.

That really looked inviting from the trail. By the way the lake came up well over a foot from the rains of the last couple of days.

This is the old stump the OFM photographed many years ago when he first walked this trail before grandson Gavin was born.

We went on to the planned turnaround point and returned back to the Castle by a different trail. The final total was only 1.9 miles so we need to add a bit over half a mile to the walk to help get the FAT off the OFM so he will feel better and live better.

Reader Linda sent us the location of a new to us attractive place about thirty miles from us. THANK YOU LINDA WE ALL APPRECIATE YOUR HELP.

Even better news is it is near a good BBQ Beef Restaurant so we will try to get in a visit there also. Sounds sort of like double the fun to me.

There is a short small cold spell soon to hit here so get your coats back so we can keep on trying to have tooooo much fun outdoors.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see you are finally getting some nice-looking weather. Please, send some our way, so we can have tooooo much fun also.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the new Bar-B-Cue.

    It's about time.
