Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Flipping And Flopping


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: January 27, 2024

We hit the floor running this morning as we needed to get on the road to the gymnastics competition that our grandson was in over in north Huntsville Alabama. The heavy rain was serious competition to stay safe while driving. We made it safely with a few minutes to spare. The competition got started right on time and ran for four hours. Some of those kids are pretty good and the rest of them are very enthusiastic if not as talented. It was a very good contest and the OFM Teams it was a morning well spent. The drive back to the Castle was rain free and pleasant.

That rain was a heck of a rain storm until after lunch, but it moved out of the area leaving us bright sunshine and blue skies.

With an afternoon to use but being in a rain saturated location we chose to start a new coloring and stay inside.

The OFM has developed a lump next to his left lower jaw hinge. It only hurts when the OFM leans on his hand on it when coloring. So now we have to change a life long habit. That might not be easy.

After watching all that twisting, turning, flipping etc this morning the OFM is ready for an early bed time tonight. So everyone have some extra fun for me and sleep extra well tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you were making the moves with every one of the participants.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the dryer weather.

    It's about time.
