Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Locked Out


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: January 26, 2024

We did well enough this morning to get in a short walk. When we got to the soccer field entry, the new gate was locked.

We do not understand the reason for the modifications but the trail system has so many interlocking parts that it really does no harm. It is just a change.

In fact about twenty feet before we get to the new gate that is locked, the old trail to the trail system works just fine. We preferred the soccer path since it did not get you with morning spider webs across the trail like the old one does.

It works just fine but really screws up all the trail mileages we had worked out over the years. So now we have a new chore ahead of us to re-plot our walking paths incorporating the new route changes. We have no real reason to gripe since we still have over ten miles of great trails to walk, run or bike ride at our disposal. We are hoping that when the new pickle ball courts get installed we will get new restrooms there for this end of the general park facilities.

The nasal trouble is behaving well and we can do things if we take it a bit easy. The fever has dropped to about a hundred so we think the worst is over but we are still being careful about pushing to hard. So every one be careful and have some extra fun for the OFM.


  1. I am hoping no coughing goes with that fever....

    1. As my mother used to say Dream on honey child.
      Good evening Julie. I hope you folks are doing well.

    2. We are back in Tucson for a while after being in Australia and New Zealand. I am working on an AZ Master Naturalist course that is helping me to get to know the ecology of AZ. Very interesting. I hope your cough is abating.

  2. Hope you're feeling much better. Winter colds are the worst - to me anyways. Stay safe out there and keep on keepin' on!

  3. Howdy Greg. It has been a long while. Hope you are well.
