Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Get Ready Time For The Freezing Weather


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: January 10, 2024

Get ready time is here and we got busy getting ready today. What are we getting ready for OFM? The ten days of freezing nights we are about to endure way up here in north Alabama. The weather folks say starting night after next we will have ten days of below freezing temperatures every night including one where we stay below freezing that day also. It certainly makes the Team glad we are in an Arctic Fox RV that is set up for freezing weather and boondocking.

We checked the food supply again this morning and headed to the grocery store. We left $65 dollars there and walked out with enough to feed us for two weeks. There is not likely much trouble will happen beyond a short power outage or icy streets for a day or two. Since we do our normal camping heating with electric or stove top, our loud LPG guzzling central heat was removed several years ago. So this afternoon the OFM checked our LPG tanks to make sure we had plenty of fuel for ten days of heating. But if the electric is down they cannot refill LPG tanks. It seems we have covered everything on our safe camping list of things to be certain we will be safe and comfortable during the cold weather.

Supper tonight was a big experiment that came out very well. We built a stir fry omelet of sorts.

Th dregs of a bell pepper, onion and a chopped carrot were stir fried in olive oil until nearly done. Then the three ” large” eggs were slopped into the mess of vegetables and stirred together for supper. At the last minute the drizzle of BBQ sauce was unceremoniously splattered all over everything.

Naturally cheap Root Beer was the beverage.

YUMMMMITY YUM YUM. That was a bit better than the OFM's usual output.

Now we need to get well rested for a big day of trying to have tooooo much fun tomorrow.


  1. Great job cooking up a yummy supper. Your cooking skills will be handy during your cold spell. I see lots of stoup in your future. Take care stay warm.

  2. I need to know your secret on eating for two weeks on only $65 ... LOL

    1. Have cabinets already with other food in them and be a single guy.
