Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Keeping Warm


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: January 12, 2024

Late this afternoon the OFM decided to attempt a decent walk in spite of the outside conditions. When we opened the door here is what we found. Lots of rain puddles left from all the rain during the day. But the temp was acceptable so off we went.

To see what was happening with the new fencing was the goal. It now looks like there will be a gated opening in the fence line to come from the campground to the soccer field area. We will eventually see if it is locked or not.

Today we walked through the opening and kept on walking. When we turned the far corner and got out from behind the tree line the cold wind hit us and it was not welcome. The cloud cover looked like the cold front was just arriving.

Sure enough in just a few minutes the temperature dropped a good bit. We got a bit farther down the path and decided to head back to the warm of the Castle. It was a great choice we quickly realized. This is the start of about ten days of nasty cold rainy weather to keep us entertained with occasional freezing conditions, 26F tonight. The good news is that the traditional last day of getting colder in this area and warming starting to happen is in about 8 days. We definitely like that idea.

We finished on a coloring today. It did not work out just right but once again the OFM received some more good education on being a colorist type of artist.

That is it for tonight so every one sleep well and warm and we will write to you tomorrow after trying to have to much fun in the cold rain.


  1. Glad you had a good walk before the cold really sets in! Stay snug

    1. Thank you. I checked your area and that area is pretty cold also. Keep the water pipes happy.
