
Salt Water Pool




December 17, 2024

Another action filled day in Fantastic winter weather. How about bright sun and 80F to make you feel good? Well just add a slight cooling breeze to make it better. The OFM finally got to get in a multi mile walk down at the Beach Park and get a few pictures too. Wow he was on a roll all day. The official mileage was just over two miles but we added in a good bit more foot time running around catching fish. Then to top it off four times we had to stop and visit with nice folks for 20-30 minutes. That is always fun.

So we started the walk by parking at the SALTWATER POOL which is nice natural place the city restricts to people using and no fishing type things going on. However it is connected to the open waters of the bay so normal saltwater creatures live and play in it. The big excitement is when the porpoises swim into the area. We guess the pool area is near an acre in size.

Another part time restricted area is an area that is closed to folks yearly when the waterbirds are nesting.

The area is a large area of marsh, dry and wild growth that is heavily used by lots of birds when it is time for bird family activities. It gets very crowded during those months.

OK that covers a lot of the walking area. Lets get on to the fish catching. We got our rod fishing gear under control and hit up the beach park to try for some fish catching. We will let you decide if we were successful or not.

First we fished the wooden pier near the Saltwater Pool parking area. We caught a couple of small speckled trout there and visited with a couple of folks sightseeing the area. It was a fun time. And suddenly it was lunch time. A visit to Whataburger and then Walmart to take care of some personal wants went smoothly. The door guard at Walmart was an old friend from fishing days near the Marina pier. After a loooooooooong visit with him we decided to hit up an old favorite pier down by the harbor. It has been very productive in the past.

Here is a picture of one of the good spots to fish.

Well the speckled trout were in the area and HONGRY and all the same size.

Here is one of them snuggled up to the OFM shoe.

We caught eight keepers at this pier and then called it quits for the day. We feel like it was a great day of trying to have tooooooooooooooooooo much FUN.


  1. WOW Barney, that was a good day of catching fish. A great lunch and a long visit with your friend at Wal Mart. You are having tooo much fun. Keep it up and thanks for the fishing update.

  2. So HAPPY that you are back in Texas having happy adventures visiting and catching fish, too!

  3. That sounds like a good day of "having too much fun" right there. I've never had the experience of catching a fish that size but I have never fished since I was young and visiting my uncle in Florida 60 some years ago.

  4. Sounds like you had one of those great days that come along every so often. Fishing is always good, but catching is even better. Did you save a couple of keepers to eat? Whenever I caught more than I could eat, there were always a lot of non fishermen who would help me out with the eating part.
