
Trouble with The Computer



DECEMBER 22, 2004

It appears my computer has had some program trouble or has been hacked. So we will attempt to carry on in this limp along mode and see what we can do.

It was a slow start day after the fever from yesterday calmed down late last evening. I have no idea what caused it. No other symptom but a high 101 +/- F fever. Any way the OFM got down to the beach park and took a leisurely 2.3 mile meander in the area. These next two pics were basically to show off the sunshine  that went along with the pretty nice temps all day.  

The afternoon was spent not being  able to connect to our C drive at all. Naturally that is where all the important info is stored.

We have decided to stay here another month which will get us past the normally coldest day of the year for the area.   From the looks of all the festival tents going up in town the next couple of weeks could be a bit congested around here for the Christmas thru New Years time frame.

Everyone have a Merry Christmas    


  1. When I have a computer problem like that (I am running windows) I go to Trend Micro Virus for an online virus scan as the first thing.
    The next thing I do is find "restore" (it's a program on the computer, I use the search space on the desktop to find it) and restore the computer to an earlier point.
    After that I have to go look for professional help.

    As a note ...one time the "professional help" I went to just wiped the drive and loaded a clean copy of the OS, I was VERY UNHAPPY.
    Now if I have to do that I make it clear that I NEED what is stored on the drive and to not just replace it. "If you can't do it you can't do it, I understand."

    Rockport is a great place to spend the winter, enjoy your next month & have a Merry Christmas!

  2. Glad you are recovering from your ailment.
    Computers have their own ailments and a special way to deal with each one.
    Hoping all your days continue to improve so you can do some On-Line visiting with the Grands.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having a Merry Christmas.

    It's about time.
