
Measuring Walking





December 19, 2024

Our walking speed, distances, and locations have been a mess for a few days. Today major improvements in that situation were made. The day was around 57F most of the day with gentle breezes.

First this morning we went to the Rockport Municipal Park with the main walking trail in the area. We have mapped this trail system in the past on Google Maps so we know what the walking distances per route are for our chosen trails.

So we started off fairly briskly for the OFM. There was a lot of howdies exchanged on the trail today. As we made it around to the ponds the OFM meandered a few feet onto the platform over the water to grab this nice picture of the trail going by on the right.

We continued to finish the main outer trail back at the main restroom for a distance of 1.5 miles. Then we took one of the cut off trails that gave us an additional .5 miles and brought us back to the parking lot and Sierra were waiting for us. The new Christmas lights are being put up along the mail trail in this area. We bet they will be nice.

Since we were mapping walking routes we headed on over to the Beach Park where we do a lot of walking and fishing also. At this park we used Sierra's odometer to map the trails/roads we walk in this park. As it turned out our normal fishing spot to fishing spot for a morning of fishing gets up to about 1.25 miles of walking. We measured several other routes we can and have frequently used so that the OFM can get in his needed aerobic exercise (he calls it heart medicine) that he needs to stay healthy while going fishing. We think this will work out to be a good thing to know and do.

Then we ran into an old friend and had wonderful visiting while he fished and the OFM rested nearby. That was a wonderful ending to a great day. Good Night folks.


  1. I am not sure what kind of smart phone you use, but you can download a free app called Strava. I used it for years with my biking but it also includes walks, hiking etc. No matter if you are walking to do laundry or doing your longer walks it will not only track distance but will give you a map showing you where you walked. It will track time, speed and distance. Let me know if you are interested and I can help you set it up.

    1. Thank you Steve but I concentrate on my camera when walking. I appreciate the offer.

    2. You're welcome. Strava runs in the background after started so you can do anything else with your phone.

  2. Whether you are walking, biking, or fishing, it all adds up to heart health by having tooooo much fun.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy your adventures.

    It's about time.
