
Travel Plan Decisions To Be Made





NOVEMBER 2, 2024

The morning walk was nice and pleasant. This leaf was getting gently blown across the walkway and caught our attention since the leaf fingers seemed to be pulling it across the walkway. It walked about three feet while we watched. That was just plain cute.

And the other neat thing this morning is a nice lady was walking her five month old lionsomething breed puppy. It was a super friendly pup and already weighed over 100 pounds. The OFM did not try to pet the pup since it was very aggressively friendly and wanted to wrassle. The OFM skin could not take the toenail action safely we thought. The owner told us the pup is extremely friendly to everyone and other dogs and cats. But it is so big and strong things get busted up all to often.

Next on the agenda is we were trying to get reservations for stays along the way to Rockport for our travel week. Forget it. The thanksgiving reservations rush is very well underway and we could not get a decent place to stay anywhere on the four day trip to Rockport. But if we leave here right after thanksgiving we can leisurely roll south and have all sorts of options during travel. So it is looking like another delay on leaving here. That is OK because the weather is normally pretty nice along that route in the late fall.

So we start another delay on the rolling but at least it is not due to expensive breakdowns like the previous ones have been. Between Sierra and the Castle we have had a bit over $10,000 in repairs. The back side of that is that is just about all the repairs we have had in the several years and thousands of miles of roaming the country with them. So you can see Rving is not free from maintenance costs especially when near tree rat areas.

Everyone have a nice weekend, we get to go have lunch with the grands tomorrow. YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO.


  1. We finally found the dog breed on the Internet.... Leonberger mane . It was a sweet but huge rambunctious pile of activity.

  2. I've used $100/month as the amount to schedule for vehicle repairs, it's a ballpark number but I needed something.
    That comes out to $1200 a year, using your $10k and my "ballpark" number comes out the just over 8 years maintenance budget...is my ballpark number even close to your reality?

    1. I have a regular maintenance part to my truck and trailer care part for oil changes, tires and schedulable items. Then I have a slush fund part for break downs like transmissions, AC etc. For my life style your budget would be a little low, I have found . Mine is about $500 a year more. But I do put in a lot more miles than most folks and I live in it full time and that does make a difference. Most folks I meet do not even attempt to schedule their money and I cannot imagine that working for me.

  3. Looking for the silver lining. The travel delay will give time for you to run "sea trials" on the truck to see about the repairs. Have fun.
