Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Walking Path Change


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: March 12, 2024

A nice easy day it turned out to be. The ankle sprain is healed it seems but we did find out something new about the walking effort.

Today we walked a little on the gravel path we have been using for years. The city has pretty well stopped maintaining it to the great level of up until three years ago. Today for some reason the OFM tried using the paved surface pathway inside the park and found his joints and muscles seemed to walk better on the firm surface. The two pathways run mostly parallel inside the park.

We had a very nice couple of miles this afternoon walking the paved path after a wobbly short walk on a part of the gravel pathway this morning.

The soccer field had lots of practice sessions going on this afternoon in the nice sunshine. But along toward evening things clouded up. Here is the best of several sunset pictures taken this evening.

It was a nice pleasant day of living with no bad stuff mixed in for a change. Every one have a good time trying to have tooooo much fun tomorrow.


  1. Glad things went very nicely......yes, a firm walking surface is easier than a shifting one. Nice that you had a fine day!
