Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Traveling Trailer


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: March 21, 2024

Another nothing special day in Decatur Alabama. We made the walk a deliberate effort at getting some nice nature photos. However we were very unsuccessful at recognizing any views to keep for the blog. The air caused too much light foggy appearance making the pictures in the sun light seem fuzzy. All of them went into the waste basket.

However we did get one in the campground that is an excellent illustration of what we are thinking we want for a TRAVELING TRAILER.

We have been considering having the Castle home based in Point Mallard most of the time. But for easier and faster loop traveling have a much smaller trailer for our run around the country trailer. This is an old rig that sleeps two and has a dry shower and toilet, one burner stove, sink and small refrigerator. It would be easy to handle in close quarters like a lot of older gas stations. The OFM could easily travel around for a couple of months and return to Decatur for special grand kid events and roll out again. At least that is his thinking at the moment.

We would appreciate comments on this idea.


  1. I went from a 28' down to a 17' and have never been so pleased with a decision. Fits in any pull through parking spot at Walmart, or elsewhere. Fit all my criteria, table stays up, bed stays down, extra thick foam so I'm comfortable, warm when it's cold, cool when it's hot.

    1. Thank you very much, The Castle is 24 foot (Arctic Fox 22H) and was needed at that size when I had a lot more gear to carry.

  2. Hi Barney, I think it is a grand idea. It would be great for short trips like family events. Pack light, quick hook up, easy towing. Just like in the service, pack your rucksack and leave base camp. Have a Great day.

    1. That analogy is very accurate for my thinking. thank you.

  3. Glad to feel a wee bit of warmer weather yesterday here in Cullman. Loving the green we see appearing also. We currently hosting our 331st Boondockers Welcome guests. Since we no longer have an RV, this is our way of keeping in touch with the traveling world.

  4. Good idea, Barney. Might want to replace tires and leaf springs.

  5. Strikes me as a good plan. We have a 5th wheel but I do fantasize about investing in an A-line pop up because it would be a fast and easy set up for short trips and camping at older campgrounds that have short sites.

  6. FWIW, I still love my '99 Casita, that I bought used in '12, and spend half the year in. I'm in it as I type. It gets in places no other camper can, and I've taken advantage of it more than once. It also survived a terrific hailstorm in fine form, only cost me an A/C cover that needed replacing anyway.

    1. Howdy Kurt. Long time no see. I hope you are doing well.

  7. You are exhibiting the boat-ship-boat syndrome...14 ft to 25 ft to 54 ft and eventually smart fishermen go back to 14ft. As you know, I like the idea of less if best.
