Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


See Again


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: March 15, 2024

That huge amount of rain yesterday left us with hundreds of volunteer lakes around the area. We even had a small one at the picnic table onsite.

On the walk to the dumpster this morning early we found new flowers in progress along the paved pathway.

The first one was a tree trying to get some blooms going. We have no idea as to the identification of any of these blooms.

Then the next bloom event was on a shrub of some sort just itching to get blooming.

As we went by the practice pitching green of the golf course we grabbed this picture of a place the OFM wasted a lot of his life. He never did learn how to play golf decently. But he loved the game.

We decided to walk on until we got in a decent walk. That got us down the road to the Point Mallard Sign and flower box the city keeps up.

They rotate flowers during the year so the entrance road usually has nice flowers to welcome folks to the park.

Then a bit before lunch we got an email that our new glasses were ready to pickup. So we hopped to it and picked up our new glasses. The rest of the day has been an experience of getting used to seeing again and things being where they look like they are, such as curbs!

We have the old glasses in Sierra as backup glasses for bad situations. Our plan is to try the new glasses out at night tomorrow night to see what difference they might make. So far all the differences have been positive.

It has ben a fairly rewarding day for a change. Tomorrow should be a day of decisions on many things going forward. In the mean time let us all try to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Replies
    1. left eye with normal wear is doing good. The right eye that was damaged in my fall nearly two years ago is much better but not really fully healed yet.

  2. Rain and Storms, a true sign of Spring.
    Possibly the new glasses will help the eye to heal more quickly.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Maybe. The new glasses will at least keep me from tripping so much.
