Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Really Nice Blue Skies


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: March 19, 2024

It was definitely a cold night last night with 28F at sunrise on our gauge. But a couple of hours later all we needed was a windbreaker for reasonable comfort outside. The OFM was not feeling on top of the world today and we never figured out why but nothing bad happened either.

Lunch was with lunch buddy Jerry at Burger King. He had some good stories to hear today so lunch was fun.

Back at the Castle the OFM spent a good while trying to figure out what we are going to do in the near future. No success on that issue was forth coming so we went out to get in a walk since the weather was nice and sunny. It turned out to be a nice walk with lots of sunlight and clear air for photos. It turned out to be a task walk and the task was to find pretty pictures to take

The OFM did his best effort but all we came home with was four to show. The first one he shot was the one that got him going. The tree is trying to grab that beautiful sky and take some sky home with it to show the family.

Nearby was a large stand of very straight trees all standing at attention watching their reflection.

On down the path a good bit we caught the sun reflecting on the water of Flint Creek showing you the way in from the Tennessee River to explore Wheeler Natural Area. It is a neat area to explore by land and water.

And as we got back in the vicinity of the campground the rear entrance came into view and lo and behold lots of new greenery had exploded since two days ago when we last came through here.

So we got a nice welcome home in the cool evening air. Hopefully we all will get a nice refreshing sleep tonight and be ready for an exciting day to chase in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see Mother Nature is sharing her beauty with you.
    Though it is now officially Spring, Winter keeps trying to hold on.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
