Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Little Picture Explanation


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: March 9, 2024

Today was a nasty weather day for sure. Very chilled and damp was the whole day. The morning was spent inventorying clothing to see if we needed any new clothing. Yep we needed some new socks since we were down to only two pair. We also looked for a couple of new shirts but none of them had front pockets and nowadays the OFM needs the front pocket on his shirts. So we were half successful since the correct socks were in stock. One bagful of them came home with us.

After that we tried out the walking and got a big surprise. We must have had some strong winds since the OFM last walked because a lot of old dead or near dead trees that we were watching were now down. Either the tree went down or major limbs were blown off the tree. Here are pictures of four of them.

There were lots more but this gets the idea delivered we think.

We did more art work as seen in this picture.

If you notice the small picture we are coloring it is a copy of the full size picture to be done yet. The OFM was introduced to the concept of coloring a small copy of the real drawing to work out which colors go where and exactly the color that will be used on the final effort. So far it seems to be a very worthwhile thing to do especially since the OFM is so inexperienced at this coloring business

Tonight was pork chop cubes and noodles stoup for supper.

It was very good and now the OFM has a FB (full belly) and dishes to wash.

And now we have to relax a bit and then turn our clocks forward an hour before shutting down for the night. Have fun everyone.


  1. I'm one of those people who NEED a shirt pocket, I bought pocket tees from Duluth Trading company for a lot of years, then I went to the pocket polo shirts until Duluth stopped selling them (then LL Bean), they were spendy.
    These days I wear Aloha shirts unless the weather is cold & over cast, I get the Aloha shirts from second hand stores and Walmart (in the spring). But they need to have a pocket!

  2. With all the warmer weather we've been getting, the wind is really blowing things around.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your colouring as a way of having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
