Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Heavy Rain and Flooding


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: March 26, 2024

We had heavy rain from about 2000 last night until 1200 today, Ditches were running over full here in the campground. My neighbors pups had trouble finding a place to squat to do their business with nearly all the land covered with water. This is a pic of the golf course next door about 1600 today after lots of the water had drained away.

Supper tonight was green salad with cubed pork chops stir fried in Italian seasoning and olive oil. The BBQ sauce for dressing really makes the meal great. We are glad the OFM likes simple meals.

During our short flood dodging walk the sun was setting very brightly.

In fact so bright it turned this dark green pine tree an orangeish brown.

We are hoping for nice weather tomorrow.

The OFM is trying to put together a road trip for us. So far every thing seems to be coming together. We are planning to roll west on I-20 the week after Easter and find out where we go. It has been 10 months since we could roll and that is way too long.

We have a new coloring in progress but the new techniques are taking the OFM a bit to master them but they sure make a big difference when they are done correctly. We will be awhile on this learning coloring we think.

In the mean time everyone be nice and try to have tooooo much fun.


  1. It seems that Winter and Spring are still fighting to see who is in charge.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
