Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Glory Canyon


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: March 11, 2024

A fairly nice morning gave us hope of an exciting adventurous day that was soon hindered by a bum ankle. At least we were still mobile if hindered. So a shopping trip to Walmart in the morning did come out well with a new shirt WITH A POCKET purchased. That rack of shirts was not there yesterday when we were searching the men's shirts area. But we fooled them and came back this morning.

We were looking at hand vacuum cleaners and found out we needed to research a bit more before purchasing one.

Back at the Castle we took it easy on the foot by working on the small coloring and finished it. Yep it was very valuable to the teams with the glaring changes/improvements it needs in the full size version.

And that was all the Old Fat Man Adventures for the day. The ankle seems to be recovering quickly so tomorrow might be more active. At least we hope so. Every one try to have tooooo much fun, it is Spring Break you know.


  1. It is amazing how we do the same thing every day, until our bodies start to complain. I was always told that by having tooooo much fun, we would stay fit and that would not happen.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your recovery.

    It's about time.

    1. Loose rocks on the shoulder of the road to the dumpsters have a mind of their own.

  2. I'm glad your ankle didn't know it was Spring "break"....probably thought it was Spring "sprain"... :-)
