Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Eye Doctor Finally


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: March 5, 2024

The morning started well even though it was lightly raining all over the area. Sierra found the Doctor's office with fifteen minutes to spare. When we entered the office they were ready with new paperwork for the OFM to fill out. To our surprise it had been five years since the last visit there.

The entire place seemed to have had new upgrades in equipment since our last visit. It turned out to be a very good upgrade on everything we saw in the way of equipment. The folks there were all extremely nice to work with. The doctor used all the latest equipment the OFM had been reading about and it really made the exam a lot easier and we think much better over all. My Eye Doc is the name of the office.

The doc spent a good while very explicitly looking at the damage eye from a year and a half ago. We discussed symptoms of the healing etc. The final eye glasses testing was a bit different than what the OFM was used to but part of the new better way of doing things. The final conclusion was that we have more healing to do on the inside of the eye but some particular glasses changes can help that eyes work-ability. He thinks we may have another year before the healing is finished since the injury was so bad to start with over a year and a half ago.

The glasses sales lady was very helpful and knowledgeable and of all weird things she understood the OFM's odd requests and we discussed them until she pulled out the magic frame that fit the OFM face immediately.

Even with all of my particular wants and questions the Teams walked out about 0945. The new glasses are due in about two weeks.

In case you have not noticed Public School spring break is next week. And Day Light Savings change is next Sunday. This will be a busy couple of weeks it looks like. We are really hoping to roll out for a short trip soon after the new glasses prove themselves.

We have pretty much notified everyone that we plan to try out home basing here at Point Mallard and do loop trips for a bit to see how some of the aging difficulties are going to work out. For example a loop trip is easily done as a loop from here down to Rockport Tx across to Falcon Lake Tx to Palo Duro Canyon and then back to Point Mallard in five weeks without hurrying. We are wanting to be here for special family events and rolling between them. We will see how it works out.

Have fun every one.


  1. It's amazing, that as we add numbers to our age, healing takes a lot longer.
    Good timing for spring break to correspond to Daylight Savings Time.
    A loop trip looks like a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the calm.

    It's about time.

  2. Your plan sounds like a good one....hope the new glasses give your renewed confidence and seeing ability!
