Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Cubed Pork Chops


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: March 22, 2024

Thank you to our readers who commented and gave us their opinions on the Traveling Trailer. We have found them very valuable in our considerations.

The OFM was not at his best today but we did get in two miles of walking, although slower than normal. We never out figure what the trouble was. (old age maybe) But we were definitely not on the leading edge of greatness today.

But on the walk we noticed this tree seemed to be eating its breakfast and enjoying it. We just kept on moving.

While on the subject of eating, here is what the OFM eats for small snacks a couple of times a day. 

We find them tasty and just right for getting us to the next real meal with low calories but nicely filling.

With wet weather all over us the OFM decided it was time to cube our last pork chops purchase. So choppity chop we got busy. These were normal thickness rather than the thin ones we prefer but the price was very right. So we got to work.

Very shortly the chops were fast becoming cubes for OFM cooking,


We cooked some for supper tonight and they turned out very good.

The OFM found them very tasty for supper and is looking forward to the other three meals of cubed chops in the refrigerator in the near future.

Last night we made a small start on another coloring. We have a short list of new techniques we have learned about in the last month that we will be putting a lot of effort into incorporating into my efforts. At least it will be interesting doing new stuff.

That is about all for this rainy cool night in north Alabama on the south bank of the Tennessee River.

1 comment:

  1. Be careful around that tree, or it might try dragging you kicking and screaming inside.
    Those Trail Mixes are fairly healthy though some have Salt.
    I agree about the thinner Pork Chops but if the price is right.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun with your art techniques.

    It's about time.
