
Too Much Excitement





DATE: OCTOBER 17, 2024

The morning was very brisk. But the sunshine was wonderful. The illness the OFM had turned out to be some diarrhea caused by bad food the day before. About 1400 that all cleared out and the OFM has been fine since.

Since we have no transportation and cannot get a return phone call to find out what is going on with Sierra, today was a piddle around day with several short mile length walks wondering what to do next. At least the OFM is not sickly any more. Hopefully tomorrow will have better news to report. After two days we are not expecting the shop to know exactly when they will finish but at least let me know some idea of time frame of the situation. Like we will be at least two more days or tomorrow afternoon or whatever. Is that more than I should ask for?

Just to break up the excitement we got a call about a credit card we have being involved in a big scam someone is running involving Walmart Internet Shopping. Sure enough we were involved in the card numbers being illegally used. The good news is Walmart and some other folks caught it about two weeks ago and have shut it down. Now the OFM card is already shut down and another one on the way to us. This only involved Walmart shopping by mail delivery. We never do that so it was easy to be spotted. Supposedly the scammed money will be credited back to us within a month. The OFM is wondering how they got his card number since the card never leaves his possession. Watch out folks the crooks are getting sneakier by the month.

Thank heavens that is all the excitement for today.

Have a great day.