


JANUARY 31, 2025

WOW what a busy day it was. Beautiful weather and a big surprise a few hundred pounds in size. But now the first things first. We got in several walks of about a half mile each during the day and also got to have three great visits with new friends from the RVing world. We are really fortunate to meet all these new folks from all over North America.

Down in the Beach Park this morning the winds were a bit busy blowing the team around. Here is a picture of the clouds in the sky while we were getting beat-up on the walking trail.

More wild clouds down at the wooden fishing pier. 

On part of one walk the concrete barrier wall is inviting to walk on top of it along the boat channel leading to the open bay. So the OFM was lolly gagging along it when a porpoise surfaced right next to us and splashed us with water and caused the OFM to nearly jump out of his skin. We still think the porpoise did it on purpose. Here is a picture where we were at for this excitement.

That was definitely a heart rate increasing event!

We had another very nice sunset again tonight. It sure puts a great end to another wonderful day. 

Good night.

1 comment:

  1. If you had stood there talking to the porpoise, it would have been a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
