
Amazing Miracle


JANUARY 13, 2025

A miracle happened today. The OFM actually finished all the work on the Castle and it is ready to roll RIGHT NOW. We were wondering if this time would ever come again, but it is here. Of course the weather is acting up. Since the first idea we had about some changes to the Castle did not come close to working out, we scrapped the whole idea and went back to full boondocking mode of completion. And today to our surprise everything fell into place and was completed before lunch.

We now have January 21 as our last night in this campground, When we head out that day the goal is to wander our way to Falcon State Park in Texas down on the Rio Grande near Roma Texas by any route that suits our fancy at the moment as long as we get there by mid May.

As we practiced meandering to get back in practice we crossed paths with this wild sky to admire.

A few miles later we spotted these oystering boats working the oyster beds out in the bay. They run around in circles scraping the bottom with special baskets to bring the oyster shells up to the boat to be sorted (culled) and proper size oysters are harvested and brought in to the docks to be sold for eating. The OFM used to do this by wading out on the reefs in Galveston Bay with a garden rake.  It was a lot of work and the OFM never did like eating them. But some members of his family really liked them.

We plan on some serious rest tonight. Everyone have tooooo much fun.


  1. Glad to read that both You and the Castle are ready for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
