
Black Drum


JANUARY 3, 2025

Now that the computer is working again we will have  blog tonight. The weather was pretty nice when we got to the beach park to walk and fish. Check out this nice place to mess around for a while.

On our walk around the area in nice temps and great sunshine we got to see several things like porpoise playing and fresh wildflowers blooming here and there.

Then a nice fellow came walking my direction with his latest catch. It is an average size for the area Black Drum.

After a decent bit of walking, the OFM went to fishing for about a half hour and did not get a bite of any sort.

We have three full time RVers in town who are van dwellers and they paid the fee to be inside the beach park every day for the year.  They get to take showers at the showers to get clean. They are careful to put trash in the dumpsters and in general just be good neighbors. At night they have to leave the beach park and move to somewhere that allows overnight camping. The Beach park is closed from 1100pm until 6 am to vehicles and those folks are careful to stay polite and legal. In other words GOOD NEIGHBORS.

According to the weather reports we are supposed to get very cold weather in a couple of days like 40F for two nights. That is really bad cold for down here in South Texas.

Everyone stay warm and sleep well.


Gray Wet Day


JANUARY 2, 2025

 A nasty drizzling rain and very grey skies was our day most of the day. We had a couple of outside chores to accomplish and we hoped to get in a bit of fishing. Nope weather was nasty all day and the OFM did not stand out in the drizzle and chilly WIND. We did put air in the left front tire. It has a slow leak that about every other month we add three pounds of air to be at the proper pressure for running around.

We went to the Beach Park to grab a pic or three and ended up renewing our park pass for 2025. That is unlimited use for a year. It is a pretty good deal we feel.

The day was nasty all day. Winds varied from nearly calm to a bit over thirty mph at times. Nope no fish were caught as best as we could tell from talking to a few folks.

Back inside the Castle we got out the art mess and put in a little time playing with the colored pencils. It will take some time and effort to learn to do several things differently that the OFM has been reading about for the last couple of months. Hopefully it will all make his efforts much better.


Tule Trail Report And Camera Report


JANUARY 1. 2025

We begin with good news.  The phone was found in late morning after three diligent searches of the Castle and the Walmart we last had it inside and Sierra. After the third search as we were about to go inside the Castle in utter defeat, the OFM fumble fingered dropped his keys to the gravel parking surface around the Castle. And there deep under Sierra was the camera taking a nap with Sierra straddling it. We had pulled out of that spot and returned several times without running over the camera. It was a miracle and we smiled and accepted with glee.

Now on to the Tule Trail that we walked to get out of all the severe winds the other day. 

The Tule park starting point is adjacent to the SE corner of the Walmart property. There is a nice but small parking lot with picnic facilities but no rest rooms anywhere along the about 1.5 mile one way trail. The terminus is the beginning spot for the Rockport Memorial Park where we have been walking for years and it has full restrooms there with drinking water faucets.

The trail looks like this but the amount of trees and brush etc, varies along side the trail. The surface is nice wide concrete so there is easy passage of folks and bicycles. Lots of very friendly puppy dogs were on the trail this day and the OFM got lots of good pup pats in. On this day we were dodging winds in the 30 mph range and the trail made it pleasant walking.

A few spots along the trail, flowers grew next to folks yard fences and we got a decent picture of these in full bloom.

This would be a miserable summer trail with no wind to help fight the hot humid temperatures so plan your fun carefully.

Have a great New Year.