JANUARY 3, 2025
Now that the computer is working again we will have blog tonight. The weather was pretty nice when we got to the beach park to walk and fish. Check out this nice place to mess around for a while.
On our walk around the area in nice temps and great sunshine we got to see several things like porpoise playing and fresh wildflowers blooming here and there.
Then a nice fellow came walking my direction with his latest catch. It is an average size for the area Black Drum.
After a decent bit of walking, the OFM went to fishing for about a half hour and did not get a bite of any sort.
We have three full time RVers in town who are van dwellers and they paid the fee to be inside the beach park every day for the year. They get to take showers at the showers to get clean. They are careful to put trash in the dumpsters and in general just be good neighbors. At night they have to leave the beach park and move to somewhere that allows overnight camping. The Beach park is closed from 1100pm until 6 am to vehicles and those folks are careful to stay polite and legal. In other words GOOD NEIGHBORS.
According to the weather reports we are supposed to get very cold weather in a couple of days like 40F for two nights. That is really bad cold for down here in South Texas.
Everyone stay warm and sleep well.