


We awakened to a ready for an early move effort and found we had a flat tire now. So we went to work getting that repaired. It was a bit of effort to get the tire off the rig and put into the bed of Sierra to head over to Craigs for repair. Good luck was with us when Craigs could take us in right then. When Rex  fingered  the valve stem it fell apart into his hands. Zoom a new stem jumped into take over and $10 later we were heading home to finish getting the rig ready to roll the six miles to the new more comfortable  home.

The tire to the left was the bad one.
We got the rest of the rig lined out and eventually got rolled over to the new home for a while.

It was a bit after noon when we were in our new spot at Anglers RV Retreat here in Rockport. It is our second time in this spot in Anglers in the last 20 years. It is a pretty good location. So finally around 1500 we were set up and settling in for a couple of months we hope. It should be getting nice and warm here in a month or so. We have some things to decide soon for activities during the summer/fall. It is shaping up to be a very busy warm weather season.
We also are looking at some possible life changing decisions to make to continue the goal of  TRYING TO HAVE TOOOOO MUCH FUN while being an old man now. Life can be a great ride if you let it.

1 comment:

  1. Even with life changing decisions, you can still continue having tooooo much fun.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
