
Just Waiting



We got the truck down to the mechanic first thing this morning for him to diagnose the a/c trouble. He kept the truck and the OFM walked home. That was a nice morning walk of a bit over 20 minutes. The mechanic called the OFM about two hours later with a description of the troubles and the OFM gave the go ahead to repair the system. One of the parts would not be in in time to get all the work done today but he feel like he will finish the repair tomorrow.

So we got in two real nice long wonderful naps. And did a bit of house cleaning also. Being well stocked in food was nice. We did not leave the campground even once after we returned from taking the truck to the shop. Hopefully Sierra will be all well and ready to roll tomorrow. Sleep well folks.


1 comment:

  1. Hoping Sierra will be in top shape tomorrow so you can keep having toooo much fun.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
