
Great Supper

 Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 11-29-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Potato salad and poached pork chops are a wonderful supper meal we just found out tonight. That was some good eating.

It was chilly this morning but almost all of the storm residue water was gone from the area when we did a patrol of the area.  When Sierra got to the Memorial Park it was a pretty but cool start to the 3 mile walk.

The OFM got the idea from a comment on yesterday’s blog that maybe a picture now and then of a boat or two from the harbor might be of some interest to a few readers. So tonight we have a shrimping boat of the well used variety. There are several of those style of boats here since shrimp is a major area product. If there is a question about shrimping please feel free to ask since the OFM has done a good bit of it in his younger days in the Galveston Bay Texas complex.

Last night the OFM placed an order for more watercolor pencils from his favorite supplier, Dick Blick art supplies.  To our incredulous surprise when we checked our account to make certain everything was OK, we found it had been processed and shipped today. Since it was free shipping we expected a long wait to receive it. NOPE.  It is due here in Rockport next Thursday. How is that for good service!

The new header picture posted today is from the far end of the walking trail at the Memorial Park.  We think it is a nice scene. The surprise to many is the scenery is this type and is a little less than a mile inland from the salt water. 

That is one more example of why this is a pretty good place for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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