
Good Food

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: 5-22-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

The day started with a trip to Walmart for some food items. The trip was completely successful for a change. Back at the Castle, the OFM got busy and put the food away. Then he hit up the freshly re-opened Exercise Room in the campground.

This allowed him to resume the re-hab of his damaged left shoulder.  That effort went really well to his surprise. There is hope that the shoulder may gain back most of its abilities again. A hint for you folks....when you get old do not splatter on concrete.  It is not good for your well being. 

Things were going so good the laundry was tackled next. And BAM it went well also. In about an hour and a half from start to finish the dirty laundry did not exist any more. That is a clean and wholesome feeling.

For the afternoon we spent a lot of time trying to figure out if and/or where to roam before we have to be in north Alabama on August 1.  Our rent runs out June 9.  After all that effort this afternoon we still do not know what we will do.

As he was sitting there in frustration later, the OFM realized it was getting to be supper time. We had several choices but the OFM got a great idea to make a pot of choice items and freeze the left overs for another day. So a can of corn, pork and beans, a chopped carrot, the last of a bottle of BBQ sauce, a large dollop of pancake syrup and a double handful of Lil Smokies sausages were dumped together in a 3 quart pot and brought to boiling and them simmered for 15 minutes.  After cooling for a few minutes the OFM inhaled a bowl full of delicious. We now have three more wonderful meals in the refrigerator/freezer waiting for our enjoyment.

One thing we have that is very good right here is the campground is very nice and convenient to shopping in town and running and playing at the Amistad NRA.  Del Rio Tx has for over thirty years been an excellent place to enjoy in the OFM’s experience. That all means we do not have to go far to find a place for having tooooo much fun.

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