
Decisions to make

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: 5-26-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Another full day of activities we did not count on. On the way to Walmart for forgotten groceries this morning early we stopped in at the newly opened Spur 454 area. It was nice and quiet so the OFM planned to come back fishing later. The two huge main shore recreation areas have re-opened and this is one of them.  Now it is possible to get to the water for fishing without needing a boat. Only a very small part shows in the picture.

Then we came back about 1600 and the place looked like huge fire ants were crawling all over everywhere and saturating the water.  Wow these folks have a lot of pent up water fun to release now that the shore front parks are open again. We did not even stop driving this afternoon with the mob in sight. Yep no picture either.

A new toy arrived by Fedex this morning late. The OFM was so excited he danced his way over to the group room where deliveries are placed.  Everything was in good order. Then he danced his way back to the Castle. Examining the new toys took a little while.  They are some new HIGH grade watercolor pencils to have fun with.

Lunch got in the way before he could try them out but IMMEDIATELY after lunch he got busy testing the feel and performance of the pencils. About two hours later this little flower was finished and the new pencils were declared WONDERFUL.

We have almost two weeks left to decide what to do with ourselves. Right now it looks like New Mexico is a lost cause to get over into there during June for what we like to do.  We do not want to do boondocking in 90+ heat.  So we expect to be doing a lot of considering of things to decide where our next place(s) will be for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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