
Pastel Water

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
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Adventure Report Date: November 18, 2019

For the most part it has been a gentle day. The OFM got the Teams out early for him to do some walking while the weather is great. Sierra got us to a good parking spot inside the Rockport Beach Park and the OFM took off gently. He eventually walked to the north side of the salt water pool area and got a pretty good shot of the early morning sunshine warming things up.

After finishing the walking we headed onto the wooden pier to fish. One fish was caught and it was a legal size speckled trout. But the best part was we met a nice fellow from Czechoslovakia. We talked for a long time. Then when leaving the pier we met a very nice fellow from Colorado who has fished most of the USA. Boy that was an interesting morning.

After lunch we worked on what to do when the rent runs out Saturday for a couple of hours. Then it was back to fishing. Several more trout we caught and more folks visited. Finally Sierra parked at the head of Little Bay to watch the colors of the evening light on the water ripples. The light pastel colors were wonderful to see. The OFM had never seen this effect before and it was mesmerizing. 

Finally it was supper time and then back to the Castle to write this drivel and relax a bit so the OFM may get a decent nights sleep. He is a bit worn from all the trying to have tooooo much fun.

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