
Knock Out War

Adventure Location: Decatur, Alabama
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The OFM rolled out of bed not ready for hard work. In fact breakfast of cereal was plenty of hard work. What is going on he wondered. Well while eating a Whopper for lunch we found out. A strong migraine showed up with a wild aura. We got the OFM back to the Castle and into bed safely. That was it until about 1800 hours.

But yesterday was a whole different story. The grands were in WILD mode.  Right after arriving at their home, the OFM was attacked by both of them yelling Knock Out Knock Out.

And the war went on for a good half hour. Finally they wore down enough that we got the act together and headed to lunch. A bit more visiting and it was going home time for the OFM Teams. Sleeping was long and hard last night.

After rising from the long sleep the OFM ate some stoup for supper and took a short walk of about a mile and a half at a very slow pace. That was plenty of exercise for his state of repair.

But we did do one thing important. We ordered new tires and rims for the Castle. When we get them on we will be ready to do some gentle rolling this fall, winter and spring. They are due in about ten days. So when they arrive they will be put on the Castle and the old tires given to the campground manager for the trailers they use during maintenance. 

It seems the very hot weather is about over. Late next week the high temps are supposed to be in the high 80s as we head into fall. That means the OFM will be able to get out and whack golf balls and create great canyons on the golf course. That might be a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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