
The Big War

Adventure Location: Del Rio, TX
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The OFM’s body and yesterday’s late lunch had a war today to go with his medium migraine attack. Needless to say we stayed close to the Castle until the OFM won the war. During the nearby meandering we noticed a gate we had never paid attention to before.

 It is the gate to the tent area. However the tent area is no longer fenced off and has not been since at least 2008. The gate has a large clump of cactus growing around the gate post. Those cacti have some seriously long stick you thorns on them. Check out this one on the OFM hand.

And here is the pile of natural decorations at the gate post. It is a nice appearing presentation isn’t it.

We finally noticed that the sign on the gate is apparently the date of installation 10-82. Good grief the OFM was already 36 years ancient when the gate was installed. That sort of thing happens when you are an Old Fart Man.

It was definitely not a day of trying to have tooooo much fun, just survive was the goal.

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