
Its WOWday

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
Adventure Date: 1/03/2019
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WOW a lot was done today. Even with a medium migraine attack right after lunch the OFM was a busy fat boy all day. The first item was a decision that we can roll from Rockport toward the end of this month without worry about minor medical issues that are dogging the Teams Grand Glorious Leader, The OFM.

Two paintings are under way with the new attitude that a new painting can be started even if there are others  waiting to be finished. What happens is a painting progresses to a point where the OFM cannot figure out how to do something and make it look right. In the past the OFM Art Team just sat on it until the OFM found out the answer. 

 Now we are taking the approach that the OFM can start as many paintings as we have paper and the paintings will progress as he learns whatever is needed to be learned. Hopefully that will be a good way to progress.

In the meantime gas for Sierra has dropped to this nice on the wallet price. Sierra guzzled as much as it could this afternoon.

As The OFM was resting this afternoon trying to recover from the migraine skirmish he could hear the thawed chicken breasts in the refrigerator screaming to be cooked. So a survey patrol was sent out into the cabinets to see what they could find for making some food for tonight.

The patrol came back with good news. It would take little effort to gather some wonderful ingredients for more wonderful stoup. And the cooking adventure began. 

The parts are
three chicken breasts diced
one stalk of celery sliced very thinly
1 cup of toadstool parts
1 cup brown rice
two heaping teaspoons of Wylers chicken powder
fresh ground black pepper
a pile of garlic powder
a liberal dose of parsley flakes

Cook the chicken in the 3 liter pot with a large dollop of butter type stuff by boiling in a scant amount of water. Then add the rest of the ingredients except the toadstools and celery in enough water to cook the rice. When the rice is ready to simmer, add the toadstools and celery for the last three minutes. Let it all simmer gently for a couple of more minutes and it is ready to serve.

It looks bland but the flavor is really good to the Teams. The yield was a bowl full for tonight and three more meals to be stored in the freezer. Yummity Yum Yum.

And there you have a small part of a very good day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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