
Caught FIsh

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
Adventure Date: 1/05/2019
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A bit of cool to start the morning and the OFM hit Whataburger for breakfast and then Walmart for some important fishing gear. By the time the day was over the OFM had replaced his $50 rod that Sierra used a door to eat with two $20 rods. Then some time was spent getting them tuned for the OFM preferences. Finally it was time to get busy fishing.

We hit the Rockport Harbor  and in short order the OFM had put two speckled trout on the deck. However as usual they were 1/4“ short of legal. Three hours later no one had caught any more fish. So the OFM Fishing Team went back to the Castle.

At the Castle the OFM did a lot of planning attempts and other things related to traveling. Nothing special was accomplished.

In late afternoon we headed back to the harbor to see if some pretty pictures were available. Here is what we got.

This is the end of the main rock pier at the harbor. The OFM has the most success here on the last 1/3 of the pier towards the end.

At the harbor breakwater this evening was this industrious fisherman working hard but not catching anything. He seemed to be doing everything right but sometimes there just isn’t any fish. Usually that is an excellent sheepshead location.

Midway along the harbor breakwater is an old wooden breakwater and some rubble. Frequently it is good fishing in this area but you have to pay the price in terminal tackle to learn where the trash is located.

As the sun was setting the Teams headed back to the Castle to let the OFM rest tonight from the hard day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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