
Trail Meander

Adventure Location: Chisos Mtns, TX
Adventure Date: 9/30/2018
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 Now we get to show you a few highlites of the paved loop in the Basin for folks who are not goig to do the multi-mile hike to go stand on the edge of the window where it goes straight down hundreds of feet to the desert floor below.

As you meander along please take time to look both up at the cliffs all around you and at the neat flowers and rocks near you. Here is one of the rocks we noticed this trip. We call it critter rock since it looks like a critter coming out of the ground to get you.

Here is the trail view of the slot in the caldera wall that is called The Window. The desert floor way below is part of BIBE. If you know where to look from below and have good binoculars The Window is supposedly viewable. We have never been able to spot it from below.

And along came a 3 inch grasshopper to give us a greeting. It was a friendly critter and we had a short friendly chat.

Then we took our first picture of Ward Peak. It is the first peak to the left of The Window. It is a mighty fine peak if we do say so ourselves.

When we finished the loop it was time to head back to Sierra. Along the walk back we passed a famous part of the sidewalks.

 This sidewalk leads up to the restaurant. This is what we can recall from the news stories. It is famous because a family of four, Dad,Mom, little daughter and 5 or 6 year old son were coming from the restaurant along this sidewalk. Suddenly out of the plants came a mountain lion and grabbed the boy by his face. Dad unlimbered his small folding knife, jumped on the lion and stabbed it a few times. The lion let the boy go and went away. The boy got medical treatment and will have some scars the rest of his life. We bet he will be the only kid in school that has a story like that.

The park folks tracked the lion down and killed it. It was an old female lion in bad health who likely was unable to hunt anymore and was desperate for food.

This shows that in the wild places you still need to be careful or you might have tooooo much fun of the wrong kind.

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