
A Long Tow

Adventure Location: 277N Campground, Amistad NRA 
Adventure Date: 10/09/18
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We knew it would be a long tow so we got an early start of 1115. As we wound our way out of Broke Mill RV Park, the sun was beaming down on us welcoming the Teams to the road. Twenty three minutes later we were backing the Castle into our new home in 277N campground in Amistad NRA north of Del Rio, Texas. We loved this “long” tow.

An old road runs straight through the campground with some sites right along the road and a gravel loop with more sites along it. The crowd is a motorhome from Connecticut and a large tent with three fishermen in it at night. And now the OFM Teams have site 1 at the top of the hill. It is BOONDOCKING TIME again. Eat your heart out Mr. Boondork.

The OFM stepped onto the street right in front of our nest and took this picture looking down to the lake about a mile away. It makes a great walk.

Then he walked to the back of our campsite to show you how crowded the back yard is.

The loop campground is too big to get into one picture so he took this picture of the first part of the loop. There is about 30 sites total in 277N. These are typical sites for this campground and several can be used as a pull through. 

Actually there was a crowd over at one of the campsites. The small pool of moisture had attracted a crowd of yellow critters. And a noisy lot they were.

The OFM is thinking he may need to get another nap in before bedtime. He hates to go to bed all tired out you know.

It is about 8 miles to Walmart and Whataburger from here, so you know where we will be in a little bit. Having tooooo much fun eating a big Whataburger.

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