
Thunder Egg Trail

Adventure Location: Rockhound State Park, New Mexico
Adventure Date: April 3, 2018
Click the picture to enlarge it

Rockhound SP has some good trails in it. The main loop is a 1.1 mile trip up onto the side of the mountain and back down to the campground. It is a wide well developed trail that is comfortable to walk but still has some strong up and down hill sections.

The OFM and his decrepit body took about an hour to do the trail on this beautiful morning. His bad leg joints let him know about it before the walk was finished but they shut up after a couple of bottles of Ibuprofen and a nights rest. So lets get started on the trail.  

Sierra got settled in right at the start of the THUNDER EGG TRAIL. The OFM Trail Walking Team got itself in order and we started the trail. The start point is just to the right of the necessity building in this picture.

Immediately you start heading uphill and it does not stop for about a quarter mile. As the OFM took one of ten million “breathers” during that uphill section, the camera captured this picture of the left hand mountain.

To the right was a view showing some of the Florida mountains to the south of the park.

After the OFM gritted his way up for two hours (20 minutes in reality) to the high point of the trail, we were able to get this nice picture of the camping area and the desert plains out to the southwest of Deming NM.

The trail started across the face of the mountains and the slope was nearly level and then starting back down. The cool air did feel very nice and the OFM leg calves were very happy to finish the uphell or is that uphill section of the trail. Some nice trail flowers showed up begging for their picture to be taken. Naturally the Photo Teams obliged and here are the beautiful flowers next to the trail.

Spring has not quite sprung here in Deming but it is very close. It does not look like there has been enough rain for a fancy bloom this year.

About three quarters of the way around the trail is a gully coming off the mountain. The trail crosses it on a wooden bridge and a few steps later is a much welcomed shaded bench. The bench is facing the campground or up the gully in the mountain. We have enjoyed sitting here many times in the last thirty years.

From the bench it is a nice gentle downhill walk to the campground. A short distance after getting back to the campground you arrive at the main necessity building and it is welcome for sure.

If you manage to get a campsite for a few days, the Teams know you will have a great time trying to have tooooo much fun.

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