
13 Months

Adventure Location: Rockhound State Park, New Mexico
Adventure Date: April 2, 2018
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The OFM was raring to go too soon this morning. He got the Teams rolling to be at the Rockhound State Park Visitor’s Center at his assumed opening time of 0800. We got there at 0830 to see the sign that says they open at 0900.

He decided we needed to check the campground to see any changes since a few years ago. There were some and all of them were definite improvements. They had added a few more primitive sites and some more day use parking spots. All were needed changes for sure.

We noticed that there were a few sites open for new campers today. The campground is still one of the nicer ones we have ever stayed in. The sunset views are fantastic.

But WHY the hurry and excitement is the question! Our annual NM Camping Pass had run out last Saturday at midnight. To miss the Sunday crowds we waited until today to renew the pass. 

What is so special about the NM parks annual camping pass? 

That little yellow piece of paper allows 13 months of day use and camping in New Mexico State Parks at no more cost. It is for camping without electricity and/or sewer but use of all the other facilities in the park. That means the dump stations, water supply, rest rooms, showers and all other facilities are available for our use. 

As a non-resident that little paper tag cost the OFM Teams $225.  We feel it is a bargain if it is in an area you will use the facilities. We also know the OFM Teams cannot possibly use up all the fun available in New Mexico just waiting for us to attempt to have tooooo much fun.

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