
Damage Report

Adventure Location:  Rockport, Texas
Rolling Date: January 1, 2018

There is definitely some serious damage here in Rockport from hurricane Harvey. The tourist area took a pretty bad hit. Port Aransas is right on the beach fronting the Gulf of Mexico and got smashed noticeably worse than Rockport. Rockport is about 6 miles inland across a shallow bay which likely moderated things a bit. Don’t get us wrong, there is still plenty of damage to share if you want some.

For example here is the art center located in the Rockport Harbor parking area.

It is pretty much shot. We think it will be a major event to repair or rebuild.

The famed Rockport Beach got battered pretty badly. A few of the buildings are just plain not here any more. The wonderful pavilions that served thousands of folks a year for events are in serious disarray. It will take a lot of work to get them back into shape for folks to enjoy.

The Rockport Beach itself survived fairly well, but the shade shelters on the beach and picnic tables and shelters in the picnic areas next to the beach will take a while to make it all well usable again. Here is the north end of the beach.

There is plenty of personal buildings with lots of damage to be repaired. We do not take pictures of personal damaged buildings for the blog.

Meanwhile the seagulls had a big meeting to elect officials and set up a plan for how they will handle all the roosting locations that are missing now.

It is now time for some good news. There are parts of the public areas that weathered the storm well and are ready for visitors. In fact the entry fee for the Beach Park has been waived for a while so you can enjoy the parts that are usable.

As an important bit of information, the fishing has been very good most days. A couple of days ago the OFM caught two redfish and one speckled trout in a thirty minute jaunt to the water for piddling around. That is a pretty good catch for just trying to have tooooo much fun.

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